Tuesday 9 June 2015

Brushing teeth...

smart, love football, litle bit thin..5555..im sorry use 555 character cause of thai na mode on 555 again,,, in thailand 555 means hahaha that express we laugh..
recently i write about my lovely nephew..
last night we playing ball at our family room..he so exited to play it... then he lying on the bed. after several minutes he tell to me that he want brushed his teeth.. wow.... i have asked him one more time... really dear.. you wanna brushing your teeth by your self.. we usually brushing his teeth at night by asking his first..and he brushed his teeth with a litle bit mad..555
while we at bathroom to brushed his teeth..he gargle like i have teached him..then i asked him a question.. why he wanna brushed his teeth by his self, then he answered me that he saw it on kids channel.. so..lovely Ahnaf...